The most disturbing thing about the falcon sex hat is not that someone might want a falcon to have sex on his hat. In fact, I'd guess a fair portion of people surveyed might say they'd at least like to try it once, and a lot who swear up and down they wouldn't might act very different in private. Guaranteed, if some guy is railing about the evils of falcon hat sex on the floors of Congress, he should be checked for feathers on his way out of the bathroom stall.
No, the most disturbing thing about the falcon sex hat is that someone had a good idea it would work in the first place. The object here is to take your captive hand-raised falcons and make more falcons with them. The difficulty arises when falcons introduced in a mixer to not show any interest in each other, but rather to the humans who raised them. At that point if you're going to get the pertinent fluid out of a bird, you need to make yourself attractive to him. He's got to want you.
My first thought wouldn't have been to make a sex hat. If anything, falcon sex underpants. That seems to put things more in the ball park. So if sex skivvies weren't the first idea out of the box, that must mean they had a pretty good hunch about the hat. Which means peregrine falcons were already trying to mate with their heads. Dollars to donuts, the hat inventor was a guy with a bald spot.
The business portion of a female peregrine falcon looks more like a guy with a bald spot than anything else. So when spring was in the air, the falconers probably took to wearing hats just in the interests of personal hygiene. I know I would, and I'm not really a hat person. And then somewhere along the line, the light bulb went off--just after the falcon did, in all likelihood--and he said, hey now, if I make this hat such that it would be easier to scoop up the spunk, I'd be halfway to a new bird.
So that's what he did. It's a rubber hat covered with little shallow cells: a twat-waffle, if you will. It's Jizz Bingo: you can't know which of the cells your bird is going to whack off into, so you put them all over and then locate and collect your specimen neatly with a syringe. No muss, no fuss, no need to haul out the rubber spatula. Oh, there's also a nice turned-up brim, just to give the bird a good purchase, and maybe keep the overflow off your neck.
The hat has been around since the early 'Seventies, when peregrine falcons were on the now-familiar brink of extinction. Lester Boyd, a legend in falcon sex, invented it. He wasn't bald after all. Balled, sure. He died last month at the age of 77, and we salute him. It's probably time for a new hat.
As far as transferring the donation to the females goes, a certain degree of consent is required. But that's only right.
Be sure to turn up the sound for this.
Thanks for this! I laughed my ass off, especially at the noises he was making to get the bird... um... excited. I once had a cockatiel that would sing to my bare foot in an effort to get it "in the mood". He really put in extra effort if I was wearing red toenail polish. Currently, I have a Mealy Amazon who I can't make eye contact with if I am trying to preen her head feathers. If I do meet her gaze, she gives me "the look", crouches down, lifts her butt, and clucks. My Congo Grey doesn't masturbate very often, but he does proclaim something as his "nest" (usually under his cage or under the bed) and tries to lure me under there. When you live with birds, sexual harassment is a daily occurrence.
ReplyDeleteNow you see, this is something I did not know. Do you make noise too?
DeleteNot much foreplay in falcon sex, is there? They didn't show the falcon afterward, either. Did t light up a smoke? Roll over and fall asleep? Inquiring minds need to know!
ReplyDeleteBecause I research these things for your-all's edification, I can report that other videos do show quite a bit of--let's say, courtship. They edit it down to the good parts.
DeleteI was pretty surprised when he turned his back on the bird and took off his hat. I mean...those talons could have done some bloody damage to his bare scalp! But I guess the falcon was looking around for a cigarette by then.
DeleteI was surprised too, but because it seemed so...cold. Couldn't he have done the clinical stuff elsewhere? Seriously, it's like bringing a bottle of mouthwash to bed with you!
DeleteOnce you quit making those noises, the whole scene's over.
DeleteI wonder if it was good for the hat?
ReplyDeleteThe thangs we learn from you, Murr!
Bless yore darn bones, jenny o, for caring about the hat. You are a fine person.
DeleteTwat-waffle? Thanks. I just peed myself laughing.
ReplyDeleteI do believe "twat-waffle" is in the common lexicon these days, but it is a pejorative, something like a "dickwad," so I was happy to find a good use for it.
DeleteOh to be so loved...! Hilarious - and you do this kind of stuff better than anyone Murr. My "hat's off to you."
ReplyDeleteOh, snap.
DeleteI had no idea such goings on were going on. I think I know too much about Falcons and their hats now.
ReplyDeleteYou should always be prepared in case it ever comes up in conversation.